APU 2019 多文化協働ワークショップ



Working cooperatively with people of different cultural backgrounds is a typical everyday occurrence at APU and also quite usual in today’s globalized society. This course aims to foster in first year students the basic skills and attitudes that are necessary for dealing with such a situation.
1 異文化間コミュニケーション
1.1 自文化を中心としたものの見方から抜け出し、文化的背景の異なる人々の視点から物事を見、感じることができる。
1.2 コミュニケーションのとり方は文化によって異なることを理解し、そうした相違を乗り超えて文化的背景の異なる人々と意思疎通ができる。
1.3 異なる文化に対して好奇心を持ち、文化的背景の異なる人々に対して心を開くことができる。
1.4 言語の異なる人々と何とかして意思疎通を図ろうとする積極的な姿勢を身につける。
2 チームワーク
2.1 グループの一員としてグループ活動に積極的に貢献することができる。
2.2 他のグループメンバーと信頼関係を構築し、グループの建設的な雰囲気作りに貢献することができる。
2.3 グループ活動を定期的に振り返り、改善することができる。
3 問題解決
3.1 問題となる物事を見つけることができる。
3.2 問題の原因を複眼的、論理的に分析し、表現することができる。
3.3 問題の解決に必要な情報を収集・分析・整理し、問題の解決に取り組むことができる。

1 Intercultural Communication
1.1 Be able to break out of looking at things from the perspective of one’s own culture and view and feel things from the perspective of people of different cultural backgrounds.
1.2 Understand that communication styles vary by culture and be able to communicate with people of different cultural backgrounds by overcoming these differences.
1.3 Have curiosity about other cultures and be able to approach people of different cultural backgrounds with an open mind.
1.4 Acquire an enthusiastic attitude towards striving to communicate with people of other languages in one way or another.

2 Teamwork
2.1 Be able to enthusiastically contribute to group activities as a member of the group.
2.2 Be able to build relationships of trust with other group members and contribute to creating a constructive group atmosphere.
2.3 Be able to periodically review the group’s activities to make improvements.

3 Problem Solving
3.1 Be able to identify problems.
3.2 Be able to analyze and define the cause of the problem logically and from a variety of angles.
3.3 Be able to tackle resolving the problem by collecting, analyzing and organizing the information necessary to resolve it.

Classes will basically consist of lectures by instructors in conjunction with seminars facilitated by undergraduate Teaching Assistants (TA). Lectures will be divided by language basis – either Japanese or English – and given in big classrooms, whereas seminars will take place in smaller classrooms where Japanese-basis and English-basis students will be mixed together in one class. The smaller classes will further be divided into small groups containing both Japanese-basis and English-basis students, and students will spend most of the semester working on a group project in order to develop the skills and attitudes mentioned above. For the group project, each group will plan and carry out an experiential session targeting APU students that will allow them to acquire or improve a certain competency deemed necessary for having a fulfilling APU life. For the final step, each group will present the outcomes of their session at a class-wide presentation competition.

Week 1: Orientation
Week 2: Teamwork
Week 3: Intercultural communication
Week 4: Group project orientation
Week 5: Group project preparation
Week 6: Group project preparation
Week 7: Group project preparation
Week 8: Group project preparation
Week 9: Group project 1
Week 10: Group project 1 reflection
Week 11: Group project 2
Week 12: Preparation for Group presentation
Week 13: Preliminary round of the presentation competition
Week 14: Final round of the presentation competition
通常評価、つまりA+ (90%以上)/A (80~89%)/B(70~79%)/C(60~69%)/F(59%以下=不合格) の5段階で評価する。評価内訳は以下の通り。


Adopted here is the normal 5-scale letter grading: A+(90% or higher) / A (80~89%) / B (70~79%) / C (60~69%) / F (59% or lower). The assessment breakdown is as follows.
Attendance: 42%
Individual assignments (essays): 24%
Group assignments (proposal and reports, etc.): 34%

Notes on Attendance
・Students who are absent four (4) times or more will receive a failing (F) grade.
・Students who do not attend both the lecture and workshop components of the class will be counted as absent.
・Three (3) late arrivals to class will count as one (1) absence.
・Students who arrive more than 15 minutes late to class will be counted as absent.
・Students will not be counted as absent in the following cases:
″Infectious Diseases Recognized by the Japanese School Health Law: Students must submit documents designated by the University in addition to a medical certificate issued by a medical institution (copies will not be accepted) to the Academic Office. The Academic Office will forward the submitted documents to the instructor.
″University Recognized Absences: The office in charge (Academic Office/Student Office/Career Office) will forward the submitted documents to the instructor. It is not necessary for the student to submit them to the instructor directly.

Notes on Submitted Documents
・Students must clearly write their full name and student ID, as well as their Group ID and TA’s name (or nickname), on all submitted documents.
・Students must strictly adhere to all submission deadlines (usually class time on Wednesdays). Instructors will grade assignments that have been handed in late only if submissions are before 16:30 two days after a submission deadline (usually Fridays), but it should be noted that this will incur a grade deduction of 50% (rounding down decimal places).
・Unless otherwise instructed, all assignments must be typed and stapled in the upper left-hand corner if the assignment exceeds one page.

This class consists of lecture and group work in small classroom. In each small classroom, English and Japanese base students work on assigned projects in a group. In the process of discussing and doing a project together, they learn how to overcome language and cultural differences, understand and collaborate with one another.

・Here at APU, cooperative work with people from different cultural backgrounds is a typical everyday occurrence both in and out of class. We ask that first-year students take this subject that aims to develop the necessary skills and attitudes in students to deal with these situations, seriously as it will greatly influence the success of both their academic and student life.
・This course utilizes cooperative learning throughout the semester. Because of this, tardiness, absences and not completing assignments interfere not only with your learning, but also obstruct the learning of everyone in your group. For this reason, students are asked to attend all classes from start to finish and to hand in all assignments on time.


Please note that the contents shown above are subject to change.