Asia Cup 2022、ゼミ生が日本代表として2年連続出場


2022年8月23日(火)から25日(木)まで3日間にわたって国際法模擬裁判コンペティション・アジアカップ(主催:日本国際法学会、日本国外務省 後援:日本財団)が実施されました。APUからは、私のゼミに所属する塚田東城さん(日本)、NGUYEN Thu Thuyさん(ベトナム)、GHOZALY Ghiandi Amnaさん(インドネシア)が、日本代表2校のうちの1校として出場しました。ゼミの有志チームが日本代表として本大会に出場するのは、昨年に引き続き2度目となります。




Read the official news article here

From Tuesday, August 23 to Thursday, August 25, my seminar students, Haruki Tsukada (Japan), Nguyen Thu Thuy (Vietnam), and Ghozaly Ghiandi Amna (Indonesia), participated in the Asia Cup International Law Moot Court Competition 2022. This marks the second year in which the APU team have passed the preliminary rounds to represent Japan in the competition.

The team passed the written submission screening as a domestic qualifier and competed in the oral round against teams representing other Asian countries. The team was ranked 8th in the written submission and 7th in the oral pleading. Ghozaly, who presented oral pleading on behalf of the applicant, placed 5th in the Top Oralist rankings, becoming the first student from APU to be awarded as an oralist.

This international competition, hosted by the Japan Society of International Law and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, and in support by the Nippon Foundation, opened in 1999 to students throughout Asia to establish “Rule of Law” throughout the region, disseminate information on international law, and create networks among talented minds in Asia.

Following the team’s achievement, we hope APU comes back stronger in the following years.

the Asia Cup International Law Moot Court Competition
